A+ Program

A+ Coordinator / Usha Saha

Preparing students for success after graduation is a high priority for Center School District. Whether our students attend a two- or four-year college, a technical, apprenticeship, military program or immediately enter the workforce, Center is committed to ensuring they have the necessary skills and career maturity required to succeed.

According to Kenneth Gray, professor of workforce education at Penn State University, a major reason for students either dropping out of college or not being able to find appropriate employment is because of poor planning. Success after high school relies on two factors: academic skills and commitment that comes from career development. (Source: Getting Real, Helping Teens Find Their Future, 2000)

Connecting Students to their Future with A+
With today’s ever-changing workplace, schools are now offering programs and courses that introduce students to the six career pathways at a much earlier age than in the past. One of these programs at Center which connects students to their future career pathway is called A+. In A+ students who fulfill the A+ requirements may be eligible to receive up to two years of community college paid for by the state of Missouri. Being a member of A+ is rigorous, but is worth it in the long run for students. Student requirements for A+ include an unweighted 2.5 GPA, 95% attendance (no absences are excused), good citizenship, and perform 50 hours of tutoring/mentoring within the Center School District. Students must score proficient or above on the Algebra I, Geometry, and/or Algebra II EOC or receive the qualifying score on that ACT math sub-score set forth by the state each year. To learn more about our A+ program, contact 

At Center, students are able to participate in courses and internships that encourage their exploration of careers in all six career pathways. The “pathways” are simply a way to categorize hundreds of occupational opportunities according to broad similarities. Learning Around the Six Career Pathways

  • Arts and Communications: Occupations related to humanities and performing, visual, literary and media arts

  • Business, Management and Technology: Occupations related to the business environment and computer technology

  • Health Sciences: Occupations related to the promotion of health and treatment of disease

  • Human Services: Occupations related to economic, political and social systems

  • Industrial and Engineering Technology: Occupations related to technologies necessary to design, develop, install and maintain physical systems

Natural Resources/Agriculture: Occupations related to agriculture, the environment and natural resources