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Our CommunityCenter, located in South Kansas City, Missouri is family focused, fiercely independent, small in size, and big in heart. As part of the broader Kansas City community, we treasure partnerships with many faith-based organizations, foundations, corporate partners, and community groups who care for and support our students and staff in many, many ways.

Our HistoryCenter's history goes back over 100 years when family members of Daniel Boone settled this area and opened a one room schoolhouse. Over the years Center has been a rural district outside the city limits, a suburban district with a rapidly growing population, and an evolving and diverse urban community with a wide range of ages, faiths, income levels, and races represented.

Our StudentsCenter's 2,600 students come from a wide variety of backgrounds and family circumstances, but all share the same desire to learn, grow, find acceptance, and serve our community. With 26 different languages and over 83% students of color, we understand that improving equity in our policies, practices, beliefs, and actions is essential to meet our goals and obligations as a public school district.

Our StaffCenter staff members include over 400 hardworking, dedicated, and talented professionals who build relationships and habits that lead our students to success. Their commitment to equity, academic excellence, and social & emotional health are the cornerstone of Center’s success.

AcademicsAcademic programs are focused on Real World Learning skills for ALL students with a goal of every graduate earning college credits and other market value assets by graduation. STEAM, Project Based Learning, and a Growth Mindset are core elements of the program from Pre-K through graduation.

AthleticsSuccessful athletics programs help students learn the values of hard work, team play, and competition. Center is a member of the Missouri RIver Valley Conference with a track record of conference and district championships in multiple sports, Partnerships with the NFL Foundation and Royals Charities have created facility upgrades for football, soccer, and baseball.

ActivitiesFirst class activities such as the Mighty Marching Yellowjacket Band, Players 58 drama, 87th Street Singers and many others expose students to the joy of working together to create beauty and explore the world.

#SenseOfBelongingThe Center School District has been, is, and always will be a family. From staff welcoming kids and parents on the first day of kindergarten to the hugs and tears of joy at the backstage staff & student greeting line at high school graduation, the relationships built at Center will last a lifetime.