About Center School District

In the Center School District we are privileged to work with over 2,500 young people in our community every single day. They come to us with unlimited potential for learning. Our job is to help them unlock their unique potential and ignite their minds with a passion to learn so when they graduate, they are prepared for their future, making our world a better place.
Who We Are
Center School District #58 is an independent public school district located in South Kansas City Missouri. The district consists of :
A Parents as Teachers program serving kids and parents from birth to five years old
A high-quality early learning center serving kids from 3 years old to kindergarten
Four neighborhood elementary schools servings kids from kindergarten through 5th grade; Boone Elementary, Center Elementary, Indian Creek Elementary, and Red Bridge Elementary
A middle school serving scholars from 6th through 8th grade
A high school serving scholars from 9th through 12th grade
The Center Academy for Success serving scholars from 6th through 12th grade in an alternative education setting
The boundaries of the district are from State Line Road on the west to the Blue River on the east. The southern boundary is roughly 114th/115th Street and the northern boundary is 85th Street from State Line to Holmes Road and roughly 77th Street from Troost Avenue to the Blue River.
Student population: 2,560 students
Graduation rate: over 90%
20:1 student to teacher ratio
61% African American
11% Hispanic
16% white
12% multi-racial
68 % qualify for free and reduced-price meals
Average more than 12 years experience
65% have master’s degrees or other advanced degrees (state average is 58%)
Annual budget of $48 million
Per pupil expenditure: $13,300
Daily student attendance: more than 90%
Fully Accredited
Yellowjacket Early Learning Center 8817 Wornall Kansas City, MO 64114
Boone Elementary 8817 Wornall Kansas City, MO 64114
Center Elementary 8401 Euclid Kansas City, MO 64132
Indian Creek Elementary 9801 Grand Kansas City, MO 64114
Red Bridge Elementary 10781 Oak Kansas City, MO 64114
Center Middle School 326 E. 103rd Kansas City, MO 64114
Center High School 8715 Holmes Kansas City, MO 64131
Center Academy for Success 8434 Paseo Kansas City, MO 64131