Board of Education
The Board is an elected group of seven individuals who volunteer their services to the school district and its' constituents. They are elected to three year terms. As members, the state charges them with the responsibility of providing educational opportunities for the children of the school district through determining policies and evaluating results. They represent citizens of the Center School District in the development of policies and procedures for the operation of the school district, as well as in the management of its tax dollars. The Board meets in regular session the fourth Monday of each month.
At Board meetings, the members approve policies, hear a variety of reports and vote on recommendations from the superintendent. These recommendations cover issues such as capital improvement plans, curriculum, discipline the balanced budget and authorization of expenditures by the District in accordance with an annually approved budget.
Board members also:
Hire and evaluate the superintendent and delegate all administrative responsibilities
Establish goals and evaluate outcomes
Interact with the community at-large
Assure school district performance
Board members serve three-year terms, which are staggered. Elections for the Board are held the first Tuesday in April each year. To be eligible, candidates must be a United States Citizen, at least 24 years of age, a Center School District resident taxpayer, and have lived in and paid taxes in Missouri for at least one year.
To contact the Board call (816)349-3310 or email