Center Foundation

The Mission of the Center Education Foundation is to enhance educational opportunities for students in the Center School District. We do this by funding grants written by Center teachers to support projects with their students.

Funding for the Foundation is provided by donations from parents, community members, alumni and corporate supporters. Events such as the Homecoming 5K and the Autos & Auctions Gala help us to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and teachers while raising funds to support over $40,000 in grants each year.

Center Elementary Foundation Award

Center Elementary Foundation Award

The Foundation also sponsors the Distinguished Alumni Program, which recognizes alumni who have had significant success in their careers and/or community service over an extended period of time. Click here to nominate an alumnus for this award.

The Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit and is led by a Board of Directors made up of community members, alumni and corporate sponsors. For more information on the Foundation, visit our web site at The website contains information about upcoming events, grant applications and other Foundation programs. You can also click here to find us on Facebook.