Mom and Kid with tablet

Keeping the Center community informed and involved in the Center School District is a high priority for the district’s communications department. The communications department uses the web site, social media, e-communications, and commercial media to keep staff, students, parents and community members current with the latest information.


The Center School District recognizes the responsibility of the media to provide accurate and timely information to the community concerning issues and events that occur in our schools. While we are committed to cooperating with the news media request for access to our schools and students, we are also obligated to protect the privacy of students and employees. To help facilitate media requests, we ask media to use the following information as a guide for media information.


Any media request should be coordinated through the Director of Communications for the District, Lane' Johnson. She can be reached at 816-863-2254.

  •  Interview requests with Central Office/District staff, administrators, teachers, or students

  • District school policies and procedures, Board of Trustees

  • Personnel issues (i.e., new coach hires or issues involving school personnel)

  • Programs, initiatives or events relating to arts, academics or athletics (for example, athletic department changes, school fundraisers for a band trip, etc.)

  • Inquiries about specific students

  • Crisis or breaking news regarding any school

  • Request for Information

 The Center School District ensures the protection of student/employee privacy and will not release any information that may reveal a student’s identity, respect the privacy of its teachers and employees and will not release any personal or personnel-related information unless required by law; not comment on any case that is before the courts; and refer all questions related to police investigations to proper authority.


Lane' Johnson
Director of Communications & Development
(816) 349-3730