Gifted Programs


The Program for Exceptionally Gifted Students (PEGS) program identifies and serves exceptionally gifted students in a full-time academic environment appropriate for their unique needs.


Students who meet all three of the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  1. Reside in the Grandview, Hickman Mills or Center School Districts in Jackson County, MO.

  2. Entering grades 2-5 or chronological ages for those grades.

The PEGS curriculum assures mastery of the basic knowledge and skills contained in the regular curriculum. In addition, PEGS provides an enhanced curriculum appropriate for exceptionally gifted students based on the following principles:

  • Acceleration through curriculum compacting in response to each student's instructional needs.

  • Advanced skills training in critical and creative thinking, research and content related skills.

  • A focus on creative production as an outgrowth of a student's intense interest in a topic or a passion to solve real-world problems.

  • Attention to the special affective needs of the exceptionally gifted child.

  • Special mentorship for students with business and professional experts.

  • Integration of PEGS students with regular education students for fine arts and physical education activities, lunch and recess.

Student Selection
Students must meet specific criteria set forth by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. A cognitive measure, classroom performance, and other indicators of exceptional giftedness are used to identify students eligible for PEGS.

Parents are responsible for their child's transportation to and from school.

What Happens after Elementary School?
When students finish the 5th grade in the self-contained PEGS classes at Red Bridge Elementary School, they have the option to move to PEGS at Center Middle School or return to their home districts.

If you are interested in finding out more about the PEGS Program, you may contact one of the following coordinators.

Alexis Stark

Hickman Mills
Holly Phillips
(816) 316-7088


The Advanced Learning Program (ALPs) services students in grades K-5. A Gifted Facilitator works with students on an individual basis. The program provides enriched and extended educational experiences.

The ALPs program strives to fulfill the following objectives:

  • To stimulate student interest in subjects beyond the realm of regular classroom study through reading, writing, independent research, hands-on activities, and experimentation.

  • To incorporate practice of higher level thinking skills and to provide problem solving opportunities in all lessons.

  • To provide lessons that incorporate activities that address Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) goals and objectives.

  • To recognize and attend to the affective needs of the gifted student.

Contact your building administration for more information.


Gifted students at Center Middle School are enrolled in advanced sections of science and reading along with an enrichment course.

Gifted students at Center High School are serviced through English classes for 9-11th grade. Some students enter 9th grade as state-identified gifted and other students are identified during their freshman and sophomore years based on current assessments such as the PLAN tests.

The students have the opportunity to take AP English and UMKC English during their senior year. The gifted facilitator works with seniors on college planning, scholarships, and essays during resource hour. The facilitator writes recommendations as either the classroom teacher or a college advisor. The gifted facilitator also helps students in class selection and placement when necessary.

The gifted program monitors the PSAT and the ACT process for each of the gifted students. The program also oversees the nomination process to the Missouri Scholars Academy and the Missouri Fine Arts Academy and helps students find other summer opportunities by working closely with the guidance department and classroom teachers.