Staff Collaborating

Working in Center

Teaching and learning is hard in this era of rapidly changing technologies, social pressures, and a multitude of distractions for kids and teachers alike. 

The Center School District, a small independent public school district located in the heart of South Kansas City, embraces that hard work with a philosophy of helping our students, and ourselves, learn how to do hard things. All of us at Center are lifelong learners and we know that any pursuit in life that is meaningful will never be “easy”, but will require effort, persistence, and resiliency. Those are qualities that we strive to master as part of the family that we call the Center School District.   

Education is an emotionally, physically, and mentally challenging profession. Center provides a supportive structure where all staff  can thrive and enjoy the rewards of helping young people learn, while having a family of support to work through the challenges. The attitude of our staff is summed up by this quote from a recent survey - “I believe in the power of community. This is my community. I belong here. I have a shared responsibility to make sure every child feels they belong here too.”

Learn more about working in the Center School District


8434 Paseo Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64131
(816) 349-3352


Dr. April Sutherland
Assistant Superintendent, Talent Recruitment, Equity, & District Wide Operations

HR Leaders

Audrey Harris
Executive Administrative Assistant