The Center School District works with American Dining Group to deliver healthy school meals based on the USDA’s nutrition guidelines so that students are engaged and ready to learn in school. All meals include a variety of fresh fruit and vegetable choices and a variety of chilled non-fat or low-fat milk.

Meal Prices

Elementary- BIC (Breakfast In The Classroom) Free
Middle/High- BIC (Breakfast In The Classroom) Free
Adult- $2.50

Elementary $2.45
Middle/High $2.55
Adult- $3.65

Reduced Breakfast $0.30/ FREE
Reduced Lunch $0.40
Extra Milk $ 0.70

Click here for more information about free and reduced lunches.

Need help adding money to your food service account? Click here for more info!

Meals for the 23-24 School Year May not be Free

 Due to funding through the USDA, the Center School District has provided free lunch to all students for the last two years, regardless of socioeconomic status.   Because federal funding is no longer available, starting August 24, 2022, all students will be charged full price for lunch.  Adjustments for families that qualify for free and reduced lunch will be made once the application process is complete.  Families MUST complete the Free and Reduced Lunch application and be approved before adjustments will occur.  Free and Reduced Lunch applications should be completed through your parent portal.  Returning families should already have a parent portal established.  New families to the district can activate their parent portal by going to once the online enrollment process is approved. 

 New families should also receive a notification once the online enrollment application is approved with information on setting up the parent portal, or they may contact their school to receive that information once enrolled.

If you have any questions about the Free and Reduced Lunch application or establishing a parent portal, please email or contact the home school.