Real World Learning
What is Real World Learning?
Real World Learning is part of Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation initiative to empower districts of all sizes, from the many diverse communities that comprise our region, to engage in learning, working, and being accountable together toward A COMMON GOAL: By 2030, all high school students across our region graduate with market value assets and a diploma, preparing them for future work and learning.
Through Real World Learning, we are equipping our learners and communities to thrive in a rapidly changing, increasingly connected and complex world.
Center School District is proud to offer Real World Learning opportunities for students, giving students in-depth and hands-on learning experiences in a workplace setting. Each program provides an avenue for students to earn Market Value Assets.
Market Value Assets:
A market value assets or MVAs are defined as industry valued and recognized skills acquired in high school that create a more seamless transition from school to postsecondary education and/or the workplace.
Students who leave high school with a diploma and market value assets are more likely to enroll in postsecondary education/training and successfully navigate the journey from school to employment without getting lost along the way.
Market Value Assets Include:
Work Experiences (Internships, Client Projects)
College Credit
Regionally vetted IRCs (Industry Recognized Credentials)
Entrepreneurial Experiences
KC Metro Market Value Asset information
South Kansas City Micro-Region - Initiative:
The Center School District is partnering with The Grandview C-4 school District and The Hickman Mills School District to offer programs for students in the South Kansas City region. Our goal is to work together to offer expansive opportunities for our students.
To learn more about the Real World Learning Initiative across the Region visit:
For more information please contact:
Mr. Jeremy Covey
Real World Learning Coordinator