Student Services

Student Support and Success

Center School District is committed to ensuring the success of the whole child. The Office of Student Support and Success includes behavior interventionists, counselors, social workers, tiered behavioral supports, registration/residency, Section 504,and homeless and foster care.

Meagan Patterson

Assistant Superintendent, Student Support & Success
Ms. Meagan Patterson


Family and Student Services & District 504 Coordinator
Ms. Crystal Larcom

No picture

Administrative Assistant
Ms. Sarah Hunter

Trauma-Informed Initiative Publication:
Pursuant to Missouri Senate Bill 638, Section 161.1050, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has established the "Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative." Trauma-informed schools are schools that realize the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery, recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma in students, teachers and staff respond by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures and practices; and seek to actively resist re-traumatization.

Click here for the web site.

Annual Notification of Student Services

You are receiving this notification because you are the parent or guardian of a student in the Center School District. At various times throughout the academic school year, your student(s) may receive social/emotional/behavioral support via various modalities, including Microsoft Teams meetings. In addition to supporting meaningful, purposeful social-emotional support opportunities, this also allows support staff to prioritize academic and learning needs, including the need for connectedness during this time of virtual teaching and learning.

These meetings may involve one-on-one, or small group support between staff members and your child. This notice is to inform you that the District has taken reasonable steps to protect the personally identifiable information of your student. However, due to the inherent nature of these platforms, the District is limited in its ability to protect the information that is transmitted to different students, in different households. There is a risk that by participating, your student(s)’ personally identifiable information could inadvertently be shared with other students and/or families. By allowing your child to participate, you are acknowledging this risk, and permitting the District to proceed with its online-based support of your child.