Convocation photo

Why are these staff members so excited and happy? They are participating in one of the most enthusiastic back-to-school convocation programs in memory! Here’s a few reasons why everyone associated with the Center School District is “off the charts” excited about the 2022-23 school year!

  • Returning traditions - over the past two years many traditional events have either been canceled or modified due to the pandemic. We plan to bring all of them back this year, including:

    • Pep rallies - Center Middle School and Center High School have already had their first pep rallies with enthusiastic participation from students & staff

    • Homecoming - a full celebration with students, parents, alumni, and community members

    • Spring Fling - students at Center High School will celebrate spring next year with games, spirit days, pep rallies

    • Parade of Bands - the annual musical extravaganza featuring band students from elementary through high school will return next spring

    • Volunteers in schools - programs like Center Friends, Lead to Read, Caring for Kids Network, Communities that Care, and many others will support our staff and scholars throughout the year

  • Safety & Security- we live in an uncertain world and the safety of all the people who work and learn in our buildings is a high priority. This year begins with new safety protocols, including the use of metal detectors, as we work together to keep each other safe.

  • Greg Tang Math - thanks to two Individual Schools Grants from the Ewing M. Kauffman Foundation elementary teachers at Indian Creek and Red Bridge elementary schools participated in summer workshops with world-renowned leader in math instruction, Greg Tang. Teachers are now equipped with new knowledge and tools to help our students achieve great things as they master mathematics.

  • Real World Learning - Center’s Real World Learning program continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Over 47% of last year’s  graduating class earned “Market Value Assets” in the form of college credits, internships, client-connected projects, and industry recognized credentials. We expect an even higher percentage next year as we offer new courses in Broadcast Journalism, Construction Trades, Sports Medicine, Culinary Arts, Graphic Design, Computer Technology, Theater, and many more. 

  • Racial Equity - Improving racial equity within our schools and community continues to be a strong focus. We have completed the initial phases of our racial equity training with Educational Equity Consultants that focused on the School Board and Administrative teams. We have started the first two cohorts of teachers and the reviews are fantastic. The goal is to transform our individual and collective mindset regarding racial equity and the early indications are that we are having great success. Thanks to North American Savings Bank (NASB) for their very generous financial support of the program.

  • Trauma Informed Care - trauma, always present in the lives of many of our students, has become even more acute over the past two years. Thankfully, Center is in the second and final year of a process to provide “Trauma Smart” training to 100% of our staff. In partnership with the team at St. Luke’s Health, this training has and will provide our staff with tools to better understand and cope with trauma, both in themselves and in our students. Thanks to a number of partners who have provided funding to make this training possible.

  • Rebuilding Center’s “Sense of Belonging” - one of the things that has been tested over the past two years is the feeling of being part of a family and an organization that is making a difference in our community. We want ALL staff members and scholars to feel that they are part of something bigger than themselves and that everyone at Center cares about their success. In just the first weeks of school, the level of excitement about school is evident with both staff members and scholars. The enthusiasm that both students and staff members are feeling at the start of the year is just the beginning as we rebuild the Center family!

Now you know why our students and staff members are so excited about what’s ahead for the Center School District in 2022-23!!